Strategic Goals
Strategic Goal #1
Reach national prominence as an academic source of high quality survey research practice and services.
Objectives and Strategies:
- Improve existing methods of conducting CSBR research to advance the quality of the data generated.
- Review training materials and procedures bi-annually to determine areas needing improvement or revision.
- Review and disseminate survey methods research on an ongoing basis and incorporate demonstrated best practices into both design and data collection procedures.
- Improve capacity for conducting large data collection efforts.
- Locate additional space for potential expansion of the Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing (CATI) facility.
- Identify 2-3 academic survey research organizations with whom CSBR could partner on large projects.
- Provide ongoing training and education for all staff to ensure high quality research design, data collection and analysis.
- Disseminate key research findings to all research support and field supervisors on a regular basis.
- Support annual attendance at professional conferences and training for all key staff.
- Support bi-annual attendance of the field supervisor to the national conference of survey field directors.
- Identify and develop relationships with potential collaborators inside and outside the University to learn about their survey research needs and how we can best assist them.
- Collaborate with at least 1 previously unaffiliated UNI faculty or staff member on a research proposal or project annually.
- Respond to at least 2 national, regional, state or local agency RFPs each year.
- The Director and/or Assistant Director will attend at least one statewide research and/or policy conference annually.
- The Director and/or Assistant Director will attend at least two national research and/or policy conferences annually.
- Develop an outreach strategy to disseminate information about CSBR's research capabilities to faculty and other external research partners.
- Revise the CSBR logo to be used on all communication tools.
- Revise the CSBR web site.
- Develop a paper brochure to be used for dissemination of CSBR's mission and research capabilities.
- Develop a set of display materials for conferences.
Strategic Goal #2
Help guide the University of Northern Iowa in educating the next generation of survey research professionals.
Objectives and Strategies:
- Serve as a campus-wide resource for undergraduate and graduate education in survey research methods.
- Contact all appropriate departments via email with a description of CSBR's facilities and potential for training and support of research assistants.
- Develop a structure for a programmatic approach for training of RAs in basic survey methods and analysis.
- Achieve national prominence as a source of innovative scholarship in survey methods.
- Incorporate experiments and tests of survey methods as a regular part of data collection activities.
- Make annual presentations of survey methods findings at the AAPOR national conference.
- Disseminate findings via survey methods journals and books.
- Mentor CSBR students in making presentations at conferences and meetings.
- Integrate faculty skills and expertise across disciplines and fields contributing to their professional development, research, and educational goals.
- Develop an electronic listing of faculty expertise in both content and methods that relate to current areas of interest and potential future areas of interest for proposals.
- Contribute to the enhancements of the University's Office of Sponsored Programs.
- Enable the University of Northern Iowa to serve as a leading voice in state and national survey research scholarship and policy.
- The Director and/or Assistant Director will play an active role in national organizations that represent and support survey research - primarily the American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR) and the Academic Survey Research Organization (ASRO).
Strategic Goal #3
Maintain and enhance CSBR's reputation as a leading provider of comprehensive survey research services in the state of Iowa.
Objectives and Strategies:
- Identify the current and potential users of CSBR services within the state of Iowa.
- Develop a listing of past and current clients, contacts and project names.
- Review state and local organizations to develop a listing of potential clients.
- Evaluate current activities and continuously develop new activities to effectively serve our statewide users' needs.
- Develop a brief quality assessment tool for clients at the close of projects.
- Review responses to the quality assessment and revise practices as indicated.
- Try new technologies, educational tools, mechanisms of outreach, and forms of stakeholder interaction to enhance the opportunities for education and consultation and to enhance our standing as a leading provider of quality survey research services for units of state and local governments.
- Investigate new vendors or software to expand capacity to conduct web surveys.
- Mail a CSBR informational brochure to key state agencies and local organizations.
Strategic Goal #4
Maintain a sustainable, diverse and productive social research center at The University of Northern Iowa.
Objectives and Strategies:
- Achieve sufficient and stable funding to support CSBR’s core activities.
- Advocate for CSBR’s continued funding at the college and university level.
- Increase external funding by 10% annually.
- Identify and maintain internal funding sources that provide bridging during periods of low external funding.
- Achieve a critical mass of personnel able to carry out CSBR’s mission.
- Hire and train interviewers early in their UNI career to reduce turnover.
- Provide wage increases based on merit to increase commitment and reduce turnover of all staff members.
- Increase professional staffing to adequately support research activities and to assure high quality outcomes.
- Provide leadership and oversight within CSBR on a continuum from daily operations to long-term planning and resource generation.Utilize technology to enhance CSBR operations and distribute information.
- Administrators will maintain an “open-door” policy for staff to communicate concerns and suggestions for improvements in daily operations.
- Review and revise as needed the strategic plan annually.
- Utilize technology to enhance CSBR operations and distribute information.
- Review and update the CSBR web site annually.
- Maintain a search-enabled electronic listing of all reports and manuscripts.